Your 3-year-old can be a Little Pianist Prodigy too.

Your 3-year-old can be a Little Pianist Prodigy too.

Your 3-year-old can be a Little Pianist Prodigy too.

Do you also have in mind the following questions?

· Is it too early to enrol my 3-year-old in piano classes since my child is still not able to speak, write or count proficiently?

· My 3-year-old loses concentration easily and I worry that it might affect his/her learning. Should I still enrol my child in piano classes then?

Determining a child’s readiness for piano lessons depends on various factors and varies from child to child. While there might be specific cues that parents can look out for, such as when their child sings a lot, gravitates towards musical instruments, or shows heightened focus on music played on the radio and TV, in most cases, parents can’t really tell until they give their child the opportunity to try. 

And this is where our academy steps into play. At JoyWaltzAcademy, we offer free trials where parents sit-in and get a preview of how classes will be conducted. Furthermore our speciality Little Pianist Prodigy Programme (LPP) is specially designed for children aged 3 years old and above. The LPP course is carefully tailored to the needs of 3-year-olds based on the following reasons:

1. Roll-pianos and Keyboards

While it is true that 3-year-olds may have small hands and are still developing their ability to control finger movements, this should not be an insurmountable obstacle given the presence of keyboards and flexible roll-pianos. All 3-year-olds/beginners enrolled in LPP will begin playing on keyboards and roll-pianos as the keys are narrower, shallower, and softer. Apt for young beginners.

2. Children-Friendly Illustrated Books and Materials

The LPP books and materials feature songs with colour-coded notes, images, and activities like tracing and colouring. This approach makes learning the piano engaging and fosters creative expression.

3. Multi-sensory and Immersive Teaching Pedagogy

To complement the customised illustrated books and materials, the teaching pedagogy utilises a combination of strategies such as reading-aloud, singing, games, videos, story-telling etc, to create an immersive and fun-filled piano learning experience for 3-year-olds.

The pedagogy stems from the understanding that children at this age are highly curious and inquisitive, therefore, they learn best through play and light-hearted fun. Moreover, their attention is primarily driven by interest, meaning they focus on what captivates them, and when they want to focus. Therefore, LPP inculcates the learning of basic music foundation through play.


To sum up, since 3-year-olds are not able to express themselves fluently through speech or writing, learning the piano thus serves as an avenue for self-expression through music, singing and movement. By extension, enhancing their skills of communicating with peers and adults. Therefore, enrolling your child in our time-tested LPP programme would help to hone their self-confidence, cognitive and interpersonal skills.

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We are the leading music provider at International Schools, Pre-Schools, Primary Schools & Private Clubs. We have proven the effectiveness of our methodology in schools since 2012 , and have since expanded our curriculum to our retail studios.


  • Nurturing Environment
  • Piano Foundational Course
  • Engaging and interactive methodology
  • Passionate Teachers
  • Fun set of lessons & theory activities
  • For children ages 3 years old & above


Midtown @ Hougang
Address: 1187 Upper Serangoon Rd
Singapore 533971
Contact: 8778 4576

Junction 9 @ Yishun
Address: Junction 9 Shopping Mall
18 Yishun Ave 9, #01-20
Singapore 768897
Contact: 8778 9187

Anchorvale Village
Address: 339 Anchorvale Road
Singapore 540339
Contact: 8778 2805